Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sustainable tourism program

Costa Rica runs a sustainable tourism program and this program provides certification for sustainable tourism developments in Costa Rica. T

The Certification for Sustainable Tourism program categorizes and certifies tourism companies according to the degree to which their operations comply with a model of sustainability. Four fundamental aspects are evaluated:

  1. Physical-biological parameters: interaction between the company and its surrounding natural habitat.
  2. Infrastructure and services: management policies and operational systems within the company and its infrastructure.
  3. External clients: interaction of the company with its clients in terms of how much it allows and invites the client to be an active contributor to its sustainability policies.
  4. Socioeconomic environment: interaction of the company with local communities and the population in general.

Companies may score up to five levels in each category. The final rating of “green leaves” corresponds to the lowest level achieved in any of the above evaluation areas (so if you score 5 green leaves in four of the areas and only three in one area your overall rating is 3 green leaves). This is to encourage companies to advance toward a model of sustainability by giving the same degree of consideration and importance to each of the four areas evaluated.
For more information, visit the Certification for Sustainable Tourism website.

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