Thursday, December 15, 2011

Health and Nature

If you are thinking of moving to Costa Rica or just shopping for a real estate investment you might want to look at it as an investment in your childrens health and well being.

Lots of people that dream of moving to tropical paradise surrounded by nature. Have we ever wondered why this might be. Well it turns out it is only “natural” to want to be surrounded by the very eco system that gives you life. This, it turns out, is hugely important for children and adults need to reconnect their children to nature.

In Richard Louv’s book “Last Child in the Woods — Saving kids from Nature-Deficit Disorder” he talks about the damaging affects of raising children in a world where they have more “screen time” than “stream time”. Kids grow up so detached from nature he says that they have much higher risk of health problems such as obesity and attention disorders. He also argues that this detachment from nature could have a devastating affect on future generations and the functioning of societies.

For those that have moved to Costa Rica and found themselves in a tropical paradise surrounded by nature like on the ridges of the Dominical area surrounded by jungle with views of the Pacific I can assure you that their stress levels have dropped. If you decide to move down to an area of Costa Rica surrounded by nature and you have your children experience the beauty of the tropics you will be opening them up to the natural world at an early age which will be nothing but beneficial to their future health.

Richard Louv studied the effects of kids lacking exposure to nature and it would be interesting to study how much health improvement has resulted from a move to Costa Rica.

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1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that if you want to visit the tropical and natural places,it will definitely decrease you stress and depression level....As a Costa Rica Real Estate Expert I appreciate your post...
