Different from a pooled investment format, each US$5,000.00 investment receives a secure, titled interest in real estate as well as a proportional investment in teak forestry grown on the lot. These real estate interests are title guaranteed by Chicago Title Company, a multi-billion dollar U.S. based title company through its exclusive agent in Costa Rica, Latinamerica Title Company.
Investment Lots offered in this program have been selected on the basis of superior location, amenities and views of the ocean and have been categorized in terms of length of investment period. Participants select the investment term that fits their individual investment
We have created 3 categories of investment terms to suit individual strategies:
Short Term (Three Year), Medium Term (Five Year) and Long Term (Seven Year)
Each lot and its common ownership is governed by a Trust Investment Plan which is jointly administered by Trust Latinamerica Title acting as Title administrator trustee and Naturewalk Sales Trust 1 administering the maintenance and resale of the Property. The Trust Investment Plan contains instructions to the joint Trustees governing the maintenance, security and disposition of the real estate at the end of the investment period.
Tim Alexander, from NATUREWALK projects, commented "we have had huge interest in our new NATUREWALK development, and many smaller investors had inquired as to how they might get involved. This new titled interest share opportunity is ideal for smaller investors with a desire to be involved in an eco-friendly, sustainable, profitable project."
James Cahill from Costa Rica Invest added "we are delighted that NATUREWALK has responded to the needs of smaller investors by creating this new opportunity and with each shareholder receiving a secure titled interest in Real Estate with their title guaranteed by Chicago title they know that their shareholding is backed and underwritten by their land".